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Semitrailer stops at the gate for several months - Yingkou Antai Trailer

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Semitrailer stops at the gate for several months - Yingkou Antai Trailer

Date of release:2016-06-02 Author: Click:

A semi-trailer at the gate of a parking lot. Yingkou aetai Trailer

Citizens reported recently that a semi-trailer with an Anhui license plate had been parked in the West Gate of Jun International Mansion in the city proper for several months, and the road had been occupied for a long time.

Reporters visited later, reporters rushed to the scene to visit. A red semi-trailer parked in the south side of the West Gate, only a dozen meters away from the gate of the community, the front two tires have been missing, there are tires in the middle of the flat, a lot of rust in the front.

Residents told reporters that the car parked close to the pedestrian and non-motor vehicle exits, pedestrians and non-motor vehicles in and out of the community there is a visual blind spot, can not see from the south to the north of the vehicle, there are security risks. Skeleton car


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