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Large trailer tire fires fire spread to tank tank heavy load rollover Trailer

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Large trailer tire fires fire spread to tank tank heavy load rollover Trailer

Date of release:2016-06-02 Author: Click:

The East Garden Squadron of the Fire Brigade of Quanzhou Taishang Investment Zone received the dispatch from the command center, saying: In the direction of the Public Security Bureau of the Taiwanese Investment Zone towards the Koreans, there was a fire on a large trailer. The fire was spreading rapidly to the fuel tank and the situation was critical. The squadron immediately dispatched two fire trucks and 12 fire officers and soldiers to the scene to deal with the fire. After 5 minutes of efforts, the fire was successfully extinguished, the accident did not cause casualties. Skeleton car cause

When the firefighters arrived at the scene, they found a trailer loaded with sand parked on the right side of the road. The rear tires on the right side of the trailer were burning violently and smoke was rolling outside. At the same time, the fire quickly spread to the tank by the wind, black smoke billowing, the air filled with a pungent smell of burning rubber. Quality of heavy haul rollover Trailer

In view of the scene, the commander immediately ordered the fire extinguishing team to put out two water guns left and right to suppress and cool the fire, the logistics team is responsible for on-site warning. After 5 minutes of hard work, the fire was successfully extinguished. Subsequently, the officers and soldiers continued to cool the tire parts of the whole vehicle repeatedly to prevent the risk of re-ignition of the fire. Yingkou aetai trailer has the best quality.

According to the driver of the accident, Mr. Wang said that the car departed from Xiutu Sand Yard to the cement plant near the accident site. On the way to this section, he found the tires behind the right side of the vehicle were smoking and burning through the rear view mirror of the trailer. He immediately pulled over and put out a fire using a fire extinguisher. Because the fire is too big and the spread is too fast to control, he immediately calls 119.

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