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Semi trailers, rear ends, pedestrians join forces to save a brother, send the wounded, refuse the fare - skeleton car.

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Semi trailers, rear ends, pedestrians join forces to save a brother, send the wounded, refuse the fare - skeleton car.

Date of release:2016-06-07 Author: Click:


At the junction of high Duck at Ring Road, a group of enthusiasts will be rescued by 2 people trapped in the driver's cab. The rescued foreign driver said he was grateful to so many good hearted people in Xi'an.

The semi trailer can't stop the serious rear end cab deformation.

When passing Gaoya intersection of Huanshan Road, a semi-trailer in front of it stopped at the intersection to wait for the red light. The other semi-trailer behind it failed to stop. The driver slammed in a direction or caught up with the vehicle ahead.

Rear end trailer cab deformation is serious, the engine is smoking, and dripping liquid beneath the car. "It should be the water tank leaking, no oil leakage." The driver of the rear-end semi-trailer looked at it and said, "We're two cars together, coming from Hebei to deliver goods to Xi'an." The driver and co-driver of the rear-ended semi-trailer were trapped in the carriage.

When I hit 120, he hit 119, and passers-by got into the driver's cab and carried the wounded.

Many passing drivers stopped to see if they could help. Knowing that the driver was trapped in the cab, the accident vehicle is a foreign vehicle, life is not familiar, we have to take out the phone to call 119, 120 for help. The driver of the front car climbed up to the rear of the driver's cab and asked about the health condition of the two people inside. "It seems to be stuck, the driver seems to be injured in the leg can not move, copilot here nothing, should be able to come out."

At this time, a young man also quickly climbed up to the cab to check, the two together to get the copilot out first. The cab space can be bigger. After learning that the driver was not stuck, but his leg was injured, a thin passer-by got into the cab and joined forces with two people outside to lift the driver out of the cab. Three or four people caught the driver together under the car. The driver's legs were bleeding and bleeding.

The taxi driver sent the wounded to the hospital free of charge and carried him to the emergency room.

Just as everyone was about to put the injured driver on the side of the road, a taxi passed by and stopped. "The ring road is rather remote. It takes at least half an hour to wait 120. To carry the man to my car, I send the driver to the hospital. This brother said to everyone.

The taxi is a new one with a temporary license and the name of Xi'an Tianzi Taxi Company printed on the door. In the back of the car sat an old man and a boy, the family of his brother, who promptly signaled his family to sit in the copilot and free up the back row. They helped to lift the driver into the back of the taxi.

This brother named Li Danchao is a owner of Xi'an Tianzi taxi company. The former car number is Shaanxi AT5199. Yesterday, he changed a new car to take his children to play in this side of Fengyukou. By the way, he runs in the car. Li Dan didn't think about it. He rushed the injured to Xian Honghui Hospital.

"When we got to the hospital, the brother took me to the emergency room, and the co-driver who came with me asked for his fare, but he said that if the money was to be taken, it was to smoke his face, and all the elder brothers in Xi'an would laugh at him. He said he could not give Xi'an a shame, and the fare was confiscated and left." The injured driver said.

Fractures of the pelvis should be treated by surgery. "Xi'an is worthy of the thirteen dynasties, and the people are very simple and sincere. Thank you for meeting so many kind-hearted people. The driver said.

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